Author: Kim Motylewski, Cambridge Winter Farmers Market manager
For folks who like local arts and crafts as much as locally grown food, April is the month the visit the Cambridge Winter Farmers Market (CWFM). On three Saturdays – April 5th, 12th and 19th – CWFM will feature an Art Bazaar running alongside the farm market, in the Riverside Gallery space. On the final Saturday, April 26th, the Gallery will be one of the many, citywide Cambridge Arts-Open Studios sites. Open Studios activities at this site will continue on Sunday. Having experimented in past years with including one or two art vendors in the farm market each week, managers Amelia Joselow and Kim Motylewski concluded that the arts needed a special focus all their own. “We found that visitors to the farmers market had their minds mainly on dinner, not on decorating or accessorizing, or gifts,” says Motylewski. “With this excellent collection of creative work, we expect to attract shoppers who are interested in a wide range of media and expression, people equally interested in art and food, the studio and the kitchen.”
Author: Amelia Joselow, Director of Marketing and Outreach, Green Program Director, Cambridge Winter Farmers Market co-manager
Update!: Cambridge Winter Farmers Market now offers $15 SNAP matching (raised from $10), meaning SNAP users can exchange $15 SNAP for $30 in market tokens! More here! Did you know that over 700,000 children and adults, more than one out of ten households, in Massachusetts deal with hunger on a daily basis? Did you also know that hunger and obesity are intricately tied? This is because families with lower incomes often make food choices based on "calories per dollar" in order to stretch their food budget and feed their families. Unfortunately, highly processed, high fat, high sugar, high sodium foods tend to be the cheapest, and therefore the most widely consumed by families who are fighting hunger. |
April 2018