The following list links community members to reliable resources - we strive to provide our community with accurate news content, empowering advice and informative support during this unprecedented time.
We are here for you. We'll do everything we can to connect you with the resources and information that you need. If you have any other questions/concerns, or are seeking support in another way, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Background Information
How to Protect Yourself
Health Insurance Coverage
Staying Financially Healthy
Discounts/Offers on Essentials
Coronavirus in Cambridge
Accessing The Essentials
The Pandemic's Effect Our Mental Health
Self-Care Activities
For Immediate Help
Educational Websites
Adventure Games: Create Characters & Build Virtual Worlds
Talking To Your Kids About COVID-19
Homeschooling Help
Background Information
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention: COVID-19
- Mass. Department of Public Health on COVID-19
- Why Outbreaks Like COVID-19 Spread Exponentially & How We "Flatten the Curve"
How to Protect Yourself
Health Insurance Coverage
Staying Financially Healthy
- 13 Steps To Take If You've Lost Your Job Due COVID-19
- Your Money: A Hub for Help During the Coronavirus Crisis
- Cambridge Community Foundation COVID-19 Relief Fund
- Information on Financial Assistance via United Way
- Applying for Unemployment Benefits via
- Guide to Retirement After the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Financial Assistance for Single Mothers During COVID-19
Discounts/Offers on Essentials
- FREE Community Print and Mail Service
- Stay Connected for FREE (60 Days) with Comcast Internet Essentials
Coronavirus in Cambridge
- Receive COVID-19 Updates from the City of Cambridge
- Cambridge Mutual Aid Network: Resources for Cambridge Residents
- COVID-19 Information Line: Call 2-1-1 with questions and concerns
Accessing The Essentials
- Food & Supply Pantry at CCC
- Bike Grocery Delivery For Seniors & Other Vulnerable Residents
- Cambridge Public Schools Emergency Meals Program
- Emergency Meal Sites in Boston
- Food Pantries in Cambridge
- FREE Food Delivery Sign-up Form (Cambridge)
The Pandemic's Effect Our Mental Health
- MGH Psychiatry: Online Mental Health Resources for COVID-19
- Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks
- Senior's Guide to Mental Health During COVID-19
- WHY IS EVERYTHING SO HARD? with Alice Cohen, MSW, Teacher & Cambridge Parent
Self-Care Activities
- Daily Online Yoga Sessions with The Center for Trauma and Embodiment
- Care for your Coronavirus Anxiety (including information, advice, and guided meditations)
- Gil Noam: A Framework for Staying Sane in a Year of Uncertainty
For Immediate Help
Educational Websites
- 10 Great Science Projects for Remote Learning and Homeschooling
- 31 Free Educational Websites Parents Can Access While Schools Are Closed
- ABCMouse: Educational Games for Kids (FREE with Code: SCHOOL7771)
- ABCya: Math and reading skills for grades K-3
- Amazon Prime: Free programming for kids
- Cool Math 4 Kids: Interactive math games for grades K-12
- CovEd K-12 Academic Support
- Disney Now: Interactive games with kids' favorite Disney characters
- FUNBRAIN: Games that practice math and reading skills
- Highlights Kids: Read, learn and conduct science experiments
- Into the Book: Play games while reading some of your favorite books
- My 2020 COVID-19 Time Capsule Activity
- National Geographic Kids: Learn about geography and animals
- Nick Jr.: Videos and games with kids' favorite Nick Jr. characters
- PBS Kids: Games and read along stories for grades K-3
- Sesame Street: Caring for Each Other
- Seussville: Read and play games with Dr.Seuss and friends
- Starfall: Practice phonics skills with read along stories
- Storyline Online: Movie stars read along with kids
- The Exploratorium: List and examples of science activities to do at home
- The Kidz Page: Activities to do at home and educational games
- The Ultimate STEM Guide for Kids: 239 Cool Sites About Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
- Time For Kids: Literacy on science and math and activities to do at home
Adventure Games: Create Characters & Build Virtual Worlds
- Fusionfall Universe: Multiplayer game that requires a log-in to explore and go on adventures in various universes
- MapleStory: free online game with characters and storytelling
- Neopets: Create your own avatar, play a series of games, puzzles and go on adventures in a virtual world of Neopia
- Whyville: create your own world, characters and play games
Talking To Your Kids About COVID-19
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Talking to Children About Coronavirus
- Coronavirus and Parenting: What You Need To Know Now (NPR)
- PBS Kids: How to Talk to Your Kids About Coronavirus
- Helping Children Cope with Loss During COVID-19 Pandemic
- “It’s not your job to worry”: Helpful Advice for Stressed Kids
- Just for Kids: A Comic Exploring the New Coronavirus (YouTube)
- Ntl. Assoc. of School Nurses: Talking with to Children about COVID-19
- NY Times Parenting: How to Talk to Kids about Coronavirus
Homeschooling Help